March 25, 2016

Touch the aeroplane

A: Aeroplane goes zzzzzzzzzzz up in the sky

Me: Yes, up in the sky

A: Aeroplane goes zzzzzzzzzzz up in the sky

Me: yes, very high in the sky

A: Aeroplane goes zzzzzzzzzzz up in the sky. I will touch the aeroplane like this (pointing her fingers)

Me: You will touch? When? When the aeroplane is in the sky?

A: Yes, when it is in the sky, I will touch the aeroplane.

Me: Do you think you can reach the aeroplane when it is very high?

A: Ummm... you will lift me up like this and I will touch the aeroplane.



At 25 March 2016 at 05:37 , Blogger Unknown said...

So cute!! Unbelievable imagination !!


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