March 29, 2018

Exams, Grades, Ranks and Life!!!

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All that parents focus on for their children is their academic performance, results in exams and the job that they would take up...All the while forgetting that, life is the best stage to perform, life is the best exam one could actually take. No, exams do not end with the 10th grade or the 12th grade or the graduation or upon achieving the dream job.
In fact, it is the purpose of each individual to perform well in his /her life and achieve one's mission.
Have you even invested time in finding your mission? Are we giving children enough time to understand themselves and know their mission in life??
On one hand, while children and parents are busy focussing on the school and college grades, on the other hand, there is the REAL life whose achievement cannot even be expressed with the known senses of the physical body, leave about even trying to assess and grade it!!!!
That is spiritual success and the only real success of ones life.



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