July 06, 2018

Writing fun

DD1 tries to read out names from WhatsApp. She asks how does ***tya pronounce?
I answer her.

Then, we figured out similarity among names ending with -ya.

Next, we make combinations of an alphabet with the sound -ya. DD1 says, I write.

DD1 too writes for sometime. She starts prep-ending two alphabets to -ya. Ends up writing PRYA and repeats its sound. Giggles for a while. Recalls the name 'Priya'.

We discuss how PRIYA and PRYA sound differently and notice the only missing element 'I'.

She then writes PRIYA pronouncing as it is.

I think, more than teaching/learning meaningful words, their pronunciation, their meanings, the child's ability to make use of alphabets and create new sounds is a better choice.



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