August 16, 2019

How do they Learn?

Scene 1:
Amma, shall we read some words looking at their spellings?
Me: ok
But, you should not read. I will only read. You should tell me only when I ask for help.
Me: ok
Scene 2:
Amma, I'm going to get my clock and set time.
She turns the clock hands and asks me for the time or sets it to what the real wall clock shows as. Or, she asks me for a time and sets the hands of the clock(with my help).
Not once or twice but has been happening regularly.
We may not be able to compare life situations as to how it would have been if unschooling was not the case, but, the fact that she is curious to learn, to accomplish on her own are testaments to how children can lead their learning. I don't really know if or how children would be equally curious if they were "made" to read, "made" to write, "made" to learn on the directs of an external authority?idk
We are just living and living IS learning.
Does this answer the usual questions: but, how do they learn? But, what about her education?
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