March 17, 2017

X mas tree hand prints

I've been  waiting to get my infant's hands on the paints and the day has finally arrived. It was time me, lo1, 3 year old and lo2, 4 months old sat down and did some art work together. So, here it is.

Fold a piece of chart paper into half. Draw an Xmas tree or any tree. Cut around the drawing carefully by keeping the top edge connected between the two halves so that you could make it stand on surface.

I made my toddler and infant put their hand prints while I put my finger prints at the edges of the Xmas tree. It was fun while my toddler was excited that she was playing with paints along with her sister. This kept me thinking on various other art activities I could plan with the two of them. Watch out for my future posts.

Have a look at the pictures. My next step is to wrap a transparent film around this Xmas tree and keep it safe in a box.

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