July 07, 2017

Is there any learning?

What is the race that young children are taking up? Is it the child's own interest to get into the race or the parents' push to send their kids in the race to return as a winner. Is it due to the FOMO effect or the peer-pressure?

Why does any parent want the child to excel in his studies, attend extra tuitions even at the age of 4, go for music classes, excel in singing, excel in dance, go for skate races, do all of them at the same time?

Is the child really enjoying his childhood or just pressurised to go for every race and return with a trophy in every field.

Childhood is really important time. Children need time to spend with themselves.

The school teacher is yelling at 5 year old for not doing what was asked to be done at the moment, the music teacher is threatening the child, the skating teacher is running behind the child with a rope to increase his skate speed. And, the parent pushes the child who starts denying to attend his classes, to not miss any because the fee has been paid and we are all looking for some positive outcome.

What is the positive outcome we are looking to see from children?

I am not saying a child is not capable of excelling at multiple tasks. Children are really capable of any task. I am more interested in knowing how the teaching is imparted from teacher's perspective and how encouragement has changed to pressure from parent's perspective.

If the child was really interested, why would a teacher have to threaten to make the student learn? Shouldn't the child fall in love with what she wants to learn and learn it wholeheartedly?
If that is not happening, then why is the child being pressurised to take up so much in his age.

How can a child who is being threatened in the music class to sing some devotional song in the perfect raaga else would be punished have devotion in her singing and towards music? What actually happens is that the brain stops thinking, it freezes at what kind of punishment would be awaiting and the child performs only 'Out of Fear' and not 'out of love' or 'out of devotion'. If it is about singing devotional songs, the child must first be explained what the meaning of the song is, the source or the history of the song. The child should love what she is doing.

A child who is set to venture to learn any task, may be reading, writing, running, hopping, jumping, skating, sliding, singing, dancing should first FALL IN LOVE with what she wants to do. Where there is force, the learning is limited, or rather, is there any learning in true sense?

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