September 24, 2019

Outdoor Time

Outdoor time!
Spotted 5 pigs, wondered how the character Peppa pig was inspired by these real pigs, saw these pigs in muddy puddle and Peppa pigs family also loves to jump in muddy puddles, ducks, crows, crows sitting on pigs, wondering if the Indian flag is following us by moving wherever we were moving, parrots, squirrels, observed how squirrel was eating grass by holding with its two hands while biting on it, black coloured bird whose name we didn't know, ducks again - so many observations, so many questions!

Image may contain: one or more people and outdoor
Image may contain: plant, tree and outdoor
Image may contain: plant, tree and outdoor

Image may contain: shoes and outdoor
Image may contain: one or more people, shoes and outdoor



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