November 13, 2019

All about being social

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We have taken 6 train journeys in the last 15 days. During those trips, my 5.5yo and 2.5yo have interacted, initiated a conversation, initiated a play with a 9mo, 9yo, 7mo, 2yo, spoken to adults as well and answered the standard set of questions that every child gets asked by an adult - what's your name? How old are you? Which class? Which school do you go to?
They have been super active, always playing in the train as well as the places we have been to, immersed in imaginary play and role play.
Children are social by nature. They explore, interact, seek fun and play everywhere. Not to forget, they do all this being fully aware of the safety of the environment around including people around them.
A child does not think -oh, i dont go to school, so i wont talk to others. Or, oh, i go to school, i should be talking to everyone.
A child who is on her own scrutinizes the environment around and interacts in a safe way.
Its the adults who label and categorize children that she talks to everyone or she does not talk to anyone at all, and needless to say, a child gets affected with such labels and her original behavious is altered because of such generalizations.
It's time to ponder on the parenting rather than focus on the child's behaviour.
And, we still get asked, then how do they learn to interact with children and people if they don't go to school???
The one who has boxed his thinking finds it hard to break open the box and think outside the box.

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