November 13, 2019

In the world of Sticky Stars

There is no respect for another when there is a reward for it, for the bribe or the punishment becomes far more significant than the feeling of respect. If we have no respect for the child but merely offer him a reward or threaten him with punishment, we are encouraging acquisitiveness and fear. Because we ourselves have been brought up to act for the sake of a result, we do not see that there can be action free of the desire to gain.
- Jiddu Krishnamurti

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Why don't we allow the child to witness pure joy of learning?
Why is there a catch of sticky star?
Why is there a race to get that sticky star rather than the joy in the journey of learning?
Sticky star for those who finish writing, says the teacher of a famous international school.
Sticky star for finishing the lunch box, says another teacher from another school.

Why are we bribing children with rewards instead of letting them love their journey of learning?




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